Minggu, 26 Juni 2016

Can I have Everyone's Attention, Please!

Okay guys, here's the thing...

I'm in LOVE. I'm soooo in love right now...
I'm in LOVE with IL VOLO.
Yes, IL VOLO. An Italian operatic pop grup consisting of three gifted, talented, beautiful Italian men aged 23, soon to be 22, and 21 years old.

If you know me, I tend to talk A LOT about things I like and some people might be annoyed with it. Now since I figured how much I love IL VOLO music and their cute face, of course, I know I won't ever be shut up about them. So, instead of filling my personal accounts (facebook, twitter, instagram, you name it!) with me talking and posting about IL VOLO, which I already did whether you like it or notI decided to set up a special tumblr account for my Il Volo stuff. 

If you like Il Volo, or just curious because I talk too much about them, just go check my tumblr account, ignaziobosco.tumblr.com. Or simply go to YouTube, google or anything, and type Il Volo (I think these are better anyway hahaha). I suggest you to also check out some tumblr accounts I follow, they have some good Il Volo stuff there.

And for my fellow Indonesian, I know this music genre is not so popular here in our country, some of you might never heard about it at all, but it won't stop me from sharing it. So here's some brief introduction to Il Volo from my other blog (written in Indonesian): https://myitaliancorner.wordpress.com/2016/06/24/il-volo/

I found their music by accident and I ended up falling in love with it. This is the kind of music that can get me out of a bad mood and brighten my day. I hope it works the same for you. And if it's not, I hope you find the right music that can do that. Because honestly, I think that music is what keeps our world rounds

And Finally, feel free to ask me anything on tumblr.

Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

Almost is NEVER Enough

Rasanya benar ungkapan yang tertulis diatas,

Bahwa jadi nomor-2 itu tidak akan pernah diingat, lebih lagi diapresiasi. Tidak. Karena sampai kapan pun nomor 2 bukanlah nomor 1.

Penilaian sebatas dari hasil ini seringkali membuat geram. Seolah menghakimi bahwa si nomor 2 tidak lebih berusaha dari si nomor 1. Padahal kenyataannya tidak melulu seperti itu.

Sepintas hati berbisik,
"Tunjukkan saja hasil akhir yang baik, tak peduli itu hasil usahamu atau 'bantuan' orang lain. Sama saja. Yang dilihat hanya hasil, bukan proses."

Seseorang bisa saja mengaku melakukan penilaian berdasarkan proses yang telah dijalani, lau membandingkan si 'nomor 1' dengan si 'nomor 2, 3, 4, dst". Tapi, Hei! Kalian tahu apa tentang usaha yang sudah dilakukan orang lain? Tahu apa tentang pengorbanannya?

Memberi motivasi? Rasanya pernah saya menyaksikan pemberian motivasi yang lebih elegan dari sekedar membandingkan seseorang dengan orang lain.
Haruskah ada unsur penghakiman dalam setiap pemberian motivasi? Jika begitu saya lebih baik tidak mendengar motivasi dari orang lain.

Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Criminal Minds Beyond Borders: What's the difference?

For anyone familiar with police procedural drama, Criminal Minds is not a new thing. The long running series about FBI’s BAU team reached its 11the season this year and for me, personally, making someone to keep watching your series for 11 years is a huge thing. Well done team!!

This past 11 years, other than the original series, the team also produced not only one but two spin-offs. The first one, titled Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior debuted on 2011 and cancelled after 13 episodes because of its low ratings.  After 5 years, they finally release the second spin-off titled Criminal Minds Beyond Borders. Beyond Borders was debuted March 16, 2016 and successfully caught my attention since then.

The new spin-off, starring familiar face Garry Sinise, as Jack Garrett, the head of FBI’s International Response Team unit.  The team travels a lot to help solves cases involving American citizens in foreign country. Other than Garry Sinise, the team also consist of a tech analyst, Russ Montgomery (Tyler James Williams), a former army and special ops agent, Matthew Simmons (Daniel Henney), a linguistic specialist, Clara Seger (Anna de la Garza), and last but not least a medical examiner, Mae Jarvis (Annie Funke).

Beyond Borders brings the different sides of the original series but at the same time keeping the same spirit, the same professionalism. It brings us to different country every week, so we’ll meet different unsub (unknown subject) with different cultural background, making it even more interesting. As they travel a lot of different country, they have a bigger, way bigger jet than the BAU team they could bring two cars and a motorcycle in it. My mouth wide open the first time I saw it. They also collect money from the country they travel and put it on the board inside their jet, cool!!

After several episodes I noticed another thing that makes Beyond Borders different from another procedural drama, even from its original series. While another police procedural series capture the dark side of the character’s personal life, the characters in this series seem to have a better one. Jack Garrett has a wonderful marriage with 6 kids, while Simmons has a beautiful wife and 4 cute little kids. The other, Mae and Monty were still single. The one with a bit darker personal life is Clara. She married once but lost his husband, I don’t know the story yet, but I guess it was because of her job. It traumatized her. Clara left the job once to travel the world before re-unite with the IRT unit in episode 1.

The show is now reaching its 8th episode and on their way to the 9th. And then there’s a question, will it end up like Suspect Behavior? It was started with a solid rating. The acting itself was a bit average for me, to be honest, and they obviously can do more with the storyline. But I’m curious about the character development  because we haven’t seen much of it in the previous 8 episodes. So yeah, I think the show deserve more chance.

Minggu, 24 April 2016

20 Facts about Me

I got this challenge months ago from a friend. Took me a long time to come up with the list because I actually have much more than these 20. But they just asked for 20, so here they are:
1. Second child of three.
2. Was born in Bogor, and lived there until I graduated from High School.
3. Not brave enough to sleep in my own room until high school.
4. Afraid of ghosts.
5. A morning person
6. A sport fan. I watch soccer, tennis, badminton, boxing, baseball, racing, anything! You name it.
7. I’m always honest to others, but most of the times not to myself.
8. Often get emotionally attached to fictional characters. I found it hard to move on when my favorite characters got killed.
9. I have a thing for neurology and biochemistry.
10. Not a big fan of reptiles. They’re just weird and yiekss. I got goosebumps trying to write about it.
11. On a scale of 1 to dead, my lazyness is on the dead level.
12. Can’t tolerate a large amounts of sugar. It gives me headache.
13. I’m specific about what I want, what I like, and what I don’t.
14. Native Indonesian, currently trying to improve my English grammar, still working to enrich my Italian vocabularies.
15. A reader. Sometimes I write, but I keep my writing for myself.
16. I like action, thriller, mystery (the one that doesn’t involve ghosts or mystical creatures of any kind), adventure, and a bit of drama.
17. I can be very very annoying, depends on my mood and the situation.
18. A person with not much of words. But in fact, I talk much when it comes to something I like.
19. I consider myself as a good listener.
20. I’m good at keeping secrets. So good I want to put it in my resume.